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the Appleby one-name study and DNA project
the Appleby one-name study and DNA project
Surnames covered in our DNA project:
plus any other variants
The current banner shows Alnwick Castle, in Northumberland - a county in the far north east of England, bordering Scotland. This region is home to a number of Appleby lines - and our DNA project has confirmed genetic connections between several of these, which also match lines in Canada, USA and Ireland.
PLEASE NOTE: if you are viewing this site on an Apple device running IOS 13, you may experience problems with page layout, over-lapping text, etc. Hopefully, Apple will resolve these issues very soon,
(Meanwhile, I suggest you switch to a PC!)
Funding our DNA project
Although the cost of DNA testing has come down over recent years, even allowing for the discounts available for members of surname projects such as ours it is still not cheap! (the price of 37 marker yDNA tests varies from $119 to $149 each plus post and packing) - the lower price usually only applies during Sale periods.
I run the website and the DNA project on an entirely voluntary basis without any financial backing, so our project needs to be self funding. However, it seems unfair for the cost of a test to be carried solely by the volunteer who takes the test, as all Appleby researchers will benefit from the information provided by the results.
If everyone who discovers some new information about their Appleby ancestors from this site makes a contribution of just £10, we can afford to offer sponsored yDNA tests to representatives from every Appleby line.
Now that our DNA project is showing such exciting results and we are identifying matches between a number of different lines, more people are interested in volunteering to take a yDNA test. So we continue to need more donations into our General Fund so that we can subsidise kits for the first person to test for each Appleby line. All help is VERY gratefully received!!
If you can help our Project by making a small donation - please visit the DONATION link on our Appleby Group Project page on the Family Tree DNA website where the system for making online payments is explained.